The obligatory two-page spread! Can even Nightstik take down this behemoth? Tune in next week and find out! In a slightly unrelated rant, I went and saw Rogue One this weekend. No spoilers here, just an observation. Everyone in the Star Wars Universe is a shitty parent and/or really bad at relationships. Allow me to […]
Here we get a good look at some physical endurance challenges for Nightstik. Note that Nightstik elects to skip the heat test. This is the part were I ruminate a bit on the arcane and mystical process of producing a comic book. Some pages come together really fast. I get an idea of how to […]
This page comes from a time when I was attempting to ape the style of James O’Barr of The Crow. I have always been a fan of cross hatching, but I have since adopted a cleaner style as evidenced by digital “surgery” in the upper left of this page. Here, our hero comments on the plot […]
I have been doing more experimenting with re-doing my original attempts to publish this comic. For a look at my first attempt check out Back in those days, I was still using my stick down lettering and hand drawing the balloons. This page is a bit of a nod to the old Batman TV […]