
Page 20!

Page 20 is actually an addition the original story. I felt like I needed a quiet scene between my hero and his mentor. This may sound corny, but a child’s belief in you is very powerful. To a child, an adult is a fearsome and powerful thing to behold. This is a lesson I have […]

Pg. 18

Page 18 is another page from one of my sketch books. This one also features new lettering and more “digital surgery.” I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that the ambulance in the bottom left corner is on loan from a 3 hour comic book challenge that I participated in a few months ago. […]

Pg. 15: Timmy Unchained!

The hero revealed! Pg. 15 represents many attempts to get it right. For the full story behind this page, check out or @Castlecomics11 over on Twitter. One of the cool things about working digitally is that I no longer have to live with pages that didn’t quite measure up in my mind of how […]

Pg 14!

Ok, confession time. This page is every bullied kid’s fantasy. While I personally didn’t encounter too much bullying in junior high, there were a few, ahem, interesting kids to whom I harbored Walter Mitty like fantasies of dispatching with my new found superpowers. These thoughts are especially chilling in light of the school shootings that […]